National Information Centre for European Research


Logistics and research infrastructures


The RI.Logistica conference (online) is dedicated to research infrastructures (RIs), their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities, and it is a place to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories. It will take place on 19-20 May 2021.

The conference is intended for physical and remote access user office managers, RIs users, or buying department specialists dealing with delivery logistics. RI.Logistica programme and registration is available here.


Open call: Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers


The canSERV consortium announced the launch of its Call for Service Provision for Early Career Researchers on "Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers".  Early Career Cancer Researchers, or recognised researchers, world-wide are invited to apply for free...

Research infrastructures and health research against the COVID-19 variants


The European Commission is launching Horizon Europe (HE) emergency calls for research into coronavirus variants. The very first calls of HE are to be launched in synergy between the Health cluster and Research infrastructures priority. Budget for these calls is additional...

ELI Summer School already at its sixth edition


The sixth edition of ELI Summer School will take place on  - line this year from 24 to 26 August 2021. Interresting topics concerning the high energy, highrepetition lasers will be transmitted on line under the frame of lectures and disscussions organised in...

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Framework Programme 2028 - 2034