Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Digital Health matchmaking 2024


Jedná se o platformu pro online matchmaking po osobní akci Digital a Health, která se koná 17. prosince 2024. Tato platforma umožní všem, kteří se nemohli akce zúčastnit osobně, a účastníkům, kteří se akce zúčastnili osobně, aby se po skončení akce spojili, spolupracovali a pokračovali v diskusích. Záznam plenárních zasedání z osobní akce bude zpřístupněn na této stránce ve středu 18. prosince ráno.

Po registraci se můžete během odpoledne ve středu 18. prosince a během dne ve čtvrtek 19. prosince a v pátek 20. prosince spojit s dalšími lidmi, kteří se zaregistrovali a plánují 20minutová setkání.

Při registraci budete požádáni o vyplnění: Zda jste se zúčastnili osobně na akci 17. prosince. Jaké jsou odborné znalosti vaší organizace nebo týmu v rámci organizace, které lze zapojit do projektu v rámci programu Horizont Evropa nebo Digitální Evropa. Jakou odbornost hledáte u jiného partnera pro spolupráci na projektu (např. GenAI-software)? O které téma potenciálních výzev programu Horizont Evropa a/nebo Digitální Evropa máte zájem?

Níže naleznete témata:

AI in research, clinical laboratory & diagnosis

AI is transforming how we approach healthcare and biomedical research. Advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques are not only enhancing diagnostic accuracy but also streamlining research processes and improving patient outcomes.

AI in research is for example applied to create complex models and simulations for study and prediction. In a clinical setting and for diagnosis, AI can be used to increase speed and accuracy in the healthcare realm. AI algorithms can analyze medical imaging data, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to assist healthcare professionals in accurate and swift diagnoses.

Select this theme to connect with potential partners that have interest or experience with Artificial Intelligence in research, clinical (laboratory) and diagnosis applications.

AI in cure and care applications

AI is emerging as a powerful ally in both treatment and patient care. From precision medicine to predictive analytics, AI is transforming how we cure diseases and deliver care.

AI in cure knows many different applications, such as a model for identification of drug candidates or personalized medicine treatment strategies. This theme is also oriented on AI in care applications, such as AI in pandemic preparedness and response, end user-driven generative AI applications in healthcare and testing generative AI applications at scale and under real-world conditions.

Select this theme to connect with potential partners that have interest or experience with applications of Artificial Intelligence in cure and care.

Health data: ecosystems, FAIR use, analysis, compliance and storage

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, data plays a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes, enhancing operational efficiency, and driving medical research. As the volume of health-related information continues to grow, the effective use of data has become essential for healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers alike.

This theme comprises all data-related activities, such as health data collection, data usage (including FAIR use), data storage, and development of data ecosystems and (regulatory) compliance. This theme can also be relevant for partners looking for or offering building capacity to deploy the EEHRxF. Or for example partners with experience in the European genomic data infrastructure and the European Health Data Space (EDHS).

Select this theme to connect with potential partners that have interest or experience with data in health.

Virtual worlds and virtual human twins for healthcare

Virtual human twins contribute to a deeper understanding of human physiology, pathology, and disease aetiology, as well as facilitating personalized, patient-centric medicine.

Virtual human twin examples are patient-specific digital twins which allows for personalized treatment plans and predictive modelling and digital twins to simulate complex procedures in surgery. Pharmaceutical companies are utilizing digital twins to model how a drug will interact with a patient's unique biology. This can speed up the drug development process and reduce the risk of adverse effects. This theme involves partners that are looking for or have experience with core technologies for virtual worlds.

Select this theme to connect with potential partners that have interest or experience with virtual worlds and virtual human twins.

Robotics and other groundbreaking digital solutions in medical devices

Robotics is playing an increasingly vital role in transforming healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. From surgical robots that enhance precision to robotic-assisted rehabilitation devices that support recovery, the integration of robotics in health is opening new frontiers.

This theme is oriented on robotics for advanced physical capabilities (e.g. bionic medical devices) and other types of digitalization in medical devices and its legal framework. For the latter, examples can be innovations in the support of better health outcomes and more efficient clinical practices without relying primarily on artificial intelligence.

Select this theme to connect with potential partners that have interest or experience with robotics and digitalization in medical devices.

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