Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Maltský tým z oboru mikro- a nanoelektroniky hledá spolupráci ve výzvě Klastru 4 "Advanced multi-sensing systems"

13. 1. 2022

The Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics at the University of Malta focuses its research on smart microsystems for Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 applications. The Department’s expertise ranges from the development of wireless low-power multi-sensor networks to the design of MEMS/MOEMS sensors and interfacing ASICs. The Department is equipped with advanced testing facilities for the characterisation of MEMS and optical MEMS and has access to MEMS and ASIC foundries. The Department has participated in a number of EU projects under FP and ENIAC/ECSEL programmes and has also recently been a partner in the PENTA project ESAIRQ. More details can be found here: https://www.um.edu.mt/projects/esairq/.

Call deadline 05/04/2022

Topic name: Advanced multi-sensing systems (Photonics Partnership) (RIA)



Pro zprostředkování více informací a propojení s týmem kontaktujte NCP Lenku Švejcarovou, svejcarova@tc.cz. 

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