Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Frauenhofer Portugalsko nabízí expertizu do výzvy "AI, Data and Robotics for Industry optimisation"

28. 6. 2022

Společnost Frauenhofer Portugaal AICOS hledá příležitost ke spolupráci s konsorcii, která připravují projektové návrhy do tématu v Klastru 4, Horizontu Evropa, s listopadovou uzávěrkou "AI, Data and Robotics for Industry optimisation (including production and services) (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA), HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-05 ".

Podrobnosti naleznete níže. Pro zprostředkování více informací se obraťte na Národní kontakt Lenku Švejcarovou, svejcarova@tc.cz, tel. 725 539 546.

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS has expertise in object detection applied in different segments (e.g., microscopic inspection, electronics manufacturing defects, ceramics manufacturing defects, agricultural pest detection). Our knowledge focuses on the following main areas:
1. Image acquisition and annotation (enhanced camera API, image annotator, automatic image pre-annotation)
2. Data augmentation (deep learning for data augmentation, synthetic image generation)
3. Pre-processing and quality assurance (image focus assessment, image pre-processing)
4. Feature extraction and classification (Texture-Color-Geometry Feature Extraction (TCGFE), image clustering, data-centric machine learning)


Predictive maintenance:
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS has knowledge in predictive maintenance applied in different industry sectors (e.g., automotive, ceramics). Our knowledge focuses on the following main areas:
1. Data preparation and pre-processing
2. Machine learning/deep learning techniques for predictive maintenance
3. Transfer learning techniques for predictive maintenance

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Rámcový program 2028 - 2034