Identifikátor: |
Rozpočet: |
M€ 97 |
Typ: |
Jednokolová |
Datum otevření: |
28.09.2023 |
Datum uzavření: |
07.03.2024 17:00 |
In line with the strategic priority “Deepening the ERA” this part of the work programme will support further progress on the free circulation of knowledge in an upgraded, efficient and effective R&I system. The destination will be pursued both at the level of individual researchers e.g., helping to develop the skills that researchers need for excellent science and, connecting all actors across the European Union and at the level of institutions and smaller research teams around future ERA Chair holders.
ERA Chairs will support universities or research organisations from eligible countries to attract and maintain high-quality human resources under the direction of an outstanding researcher and research manager (the 'ERA Chair holder'), and to implement structural changes to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis.
The institutional dimension will be complemented by opportunities for brain circulation for research and innovation talents across the ERA and across sectors, aiming to revert the brain drain from Widening countries. It will focus support to early career and experienced talents to explore unknown personal territories for professional development and training, by being mobile in the European Research Area in other sectors and in less obvious knowledge hubs across the European Union, notably in Widening countries. It will put emphasis on intersectoral mobility for early career researchers and innovators and foster a better exploitation of existing (and possibly jointly managed) research infrastructures in the targeted countries through the mobility of researchers and innovators. This aims to reinforce and strengthen the interaction between education and research, such as through the research and innovation dimension of European Universities, training and mobility. Furthermore, specific attention will be paid to promoting gender balance among the supported talents.
Expected impact:
Proposals for topics under this Destination should set out a credible pathway to contributing to the following expected impacts:
- Effective institutional reforms in research institutions in Widening countries;
- Better use of existing research infrastructures;
- Excellent talents attracted in institutions and research infrastructures;
- Reverted brain drain;
- Improved linkages and increased mobility between academia and business, notably by overcoming sectoral barriers;
- Free circulation of knowledge and expertise in line with ERA priorities;
- Improved gender balance and equal opportunities.