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Policie ve Valencii, Španělsko, hledá konsorcium pro výzvu FCT-01-07 zaměřenou na boj proti obchodu s lidmi

12. 7. 2022

Policie ve Valencii hledá vhodné konsorcium, ke kterému by se mohla jako partner připojit při přípravě projektového návrhu do letošní výzvy Effective fight against trafficking in human beings, FCT-01-07 .

Kontakty a stručný profil organizace naleznete níže.

José L. Diego, Head of the Project management Division of the Valencia Local Police (PLV):

proyectosplv@valencia.es, Tel. +34962085538 (ext. 5538), +34639847491 (ext. 6391)




"Valencia is the 3rd largest city in Spain (1.5M inhabitants in the metropolitan area) and 1700 police officers form the PLV.

Our background in EU projects management began in 2005 and we have participated in +30 projects as coordinator or end-user partner (15 of them within Horizon) and also in OSCE programs.

High quality performance and professionalism as end-users is our main feature in the projects we are involved.

At the tech level, we have an integral security and emergencies Hub (CISE) and many other tech solutions are working within PLV on a daily basis to improve our service.


Our focus regarding Horizon Europe-Cluster 3 within 2022 calls will be only in the following topic: FCT-01-07 (Effective fight against trafficking in human beings)."


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