Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Partner search z Turecka k tématu HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02-01

13. 9. 2022

Dva zájemci z Turecka by se rádi zapojili do konsorcia k tématu "HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02-01: Digital Solutions for defining synergies in international renewable energy value chains":

  •  Siemens Advanta Turkey, in three R&D centres, carries out its R&D activities on the areas of Automation and Digitalization, Industrial Communication, Grid Simulation & Control, Energy Storage, Motion Control, Full Stack Application Development for Industry (IoT/Cloud/Web/Edge Apps), Digital Integration for Industry, IoT/Data Analytics AI/ML, Factory Automation, Energy Distribution Systems, Digital Twin with their expert R&D engineers and researchers.
  • Middle East Technical University (known as METU or ODTU) is very active in renewable energy and smart grid areas. METU has active projects on smart grid applications, integration of renewable energy systems and battery storage systems, modelling of electric car user habits and degradation characteristics of electric car batteries, as well as cyber-security systems and AI applications. METU has a wide range of existing equipment and laboratory infrastructure to be used in the validation of the methods developed by project partners. Dr. Göl, who is a faculty member of METU, has industrial relations with the electric distribution companies in Ankara and across Turkey.
  • Bližší informace naleznete zde.

 Případní zájemci se mohou obracet na ncpenergy@tubitak.gov.tr.

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