Zveme na Národní bioekonomický kongres
Evropská komise vydala obsáhlou zprávu, která představuje zjištění, závěry a doporučení druhé fáze hodnoticí studie k programu Horizont 2020 a Horizont Evropa (HE) se zacílením na aktivity související se zelenou transformací. Zpráva se zaměřuje zejména na dva klastry II. pilíře HE: klastr 5 (Klima, energetika a mobilita) a klastr 6 (Potraviny, bioekonomika, přírodní zdroje, zemědělství a životní prostředí). Společně představují 45 % rozpočtu přiděleného na II. pilíř a 25,2 % celkového rozpočtu Horizontu Evropa. Studie zároveň sledovala i evropská partnerství.
Zprávu uzavírají doporučení týkající se celé řady oblastí. Jako pobídku k dalšímu čtení vybíráme z doporučení zaměřených na zvýšení výkonnosti.
Recommendations regarding efficiency
· Additionally, particularly for Cluster 6, it should be ensured that the programme is flexible in response to current events, without undermining the initial Green Transition objectives of the FP (for instance, energy security versus energy transition).
· While the administrative and management processes are broadly rated as favourable for Horizon Europe and the Partnerships, the application and reporting procedures for the Partnerships are seen as burdensome, particularly for co-funded Partnerships. They should be simplified and aligned, to the extent possible, with the rest of the Framework Programme. An improved coordination between the EC and the Partnerships should be established in work programme preparation.
· The participation rates of new applicants, in particular SMEs, should be enhanced. Their participation could be facilitated through improving the understanding of the FP by new applicants and simplifying the FP, reducing the size of calls or focusing on specific topics where the relative size of SMEs is not a disadvantage, and further measures to facilitate new applicants joining established networks (for consortia building).
· Although the monitoring and evaluation systems have improved in comparison to H2020, participant data and participations for EIT-KICs, Co-funded Partnerships and third-party funding have yet to be integrated into CORDA.
· There is a need to improve linkages of project results between different parts of the Framework Programme and with policy formation, as the projects are no longer managed by the EC (which formulates policy). ... Capacity building and engagement with young researchers and PhDs could also be considered more systematically within the Framework Programme and its projects.