Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Partner Search k misi CITIES, téma Urban Planning

28. 2. 2022

Město Haifa se chce zapojit do mise CITIES - podrobnosti níže. Uzávěrka tématu je 26. dubna 2022.

The city of Haifa, in Israel, for the HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02-01: Urban planning and design for just, sustainable, resilient and climate-neutral cities by 2030

Haifa seeks to be a living lab city and develop and demonstrate solutions and measures that can be replicated in other cities Europe wide in order to achieve climate neutrality, sustainability and resilience and significantly reduce emissions across the most relevant sectors

They are partner with the leading research institutions Technion and Haifa University and national government and advocate the participation of various sectors, stakeholders, and citizens in urban renewal processes.

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Rámcový program 2028 - 2034