Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum






M€ 27



Datum otevření:


Datum uzavření:

28.09.2023 17:00

The Twinning Green Deal will focus on a defined area of research / innovation directly linked to at least one of the actions listed in the European Green Deal strategy, notably:

  • Climate research;
  • ·Green technologies;
  • ·Renewable energy;
  • Sustainable mobility;
  • Biodiversity research;
  • Sustainable use of natural resources (land, water, air).


Twinning proposals should have to clearly outline the scientific strategy for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity in a defined area of research and innovation as well as the scientific quality of the partners involved in the twinning exercise. This scientific strategy should include arrangements for formulating new (or ongoing) joint research / innovation project(s) in the scientific area of choice and describe how Twinning will take this research to a new stage, by enlarging its scope and/or the research / innovation partnerships.

Such a strategy should include a comprehensive set of activities to be supported. These should include at least a number of the following: short-term staff exchanges; expert visits and short term on-site or virtual training; workshops; conference attendance; organisation of joint summer school type activities; dissemination and outreach activities. As far as appropriate these activities should take into account the gender equality plans of the participants.

Proposals should also focus on strengthening the research management and administration skills of the coordinating institution from the Widening country. This should take the form of a dedicated work package or task, placing emphasis to specific activities, in view of helping the staff of the coordinating institution to improve their proposal preparation and project management/administration skills. If not yet in place, setting up/upgrading a research management/administration unit within the coordinating institution would be beneficial. This will be achieved by fully utilising the experience and best practices of the internationally leading partners and is expected to be a concrete deliverable of the Twinning exercise.

A research / innovation component not exceeding 30% of the total Horizon Europe grant may include a research / innovation project. At least 50% of the budget for the research / innovation component must be allocated to the coordinator. This will open opportunities for integrating smaller research / innovation activities and by this strengthening the commitment and the engagement of the twinning partners. The research part of the project should be presented through a dedicated work package and plan including the scientific objectives, tasks and roles of the partners.

The Twinning proposals should illustrate quantitatively and qualitatively the expected potential impact of the twinning exercise within the coordinating institution (and possibly at regional/national level) based on indicators such as expected future publications in peer reviewed journals, collaboration agreements with businesses, intellectual property, new innovative products or services, number of international students, number of women scientists and their roles in the research institutions.

It should be explained how the leading scientific institutions in the partnership will contribute in terms of provision of access to new research avenues, creativity and the development of new approaches, as well as acting as a source for increased mobility (inwards and outwards) of qualified scientists and young researchers including doctoral candidates. The benefits for the leading scientific institutions and the way they would materialise through the partnership should be substantiated.

Expected obligatory outcomes

  • Improved excellence capacity and resources in Widening countries enabling to close the still apparent research and innovation gap within the European Union;
  • Enhanced strategic networking activities between the research institutions of the Widening countries and at least two internationally-leading counterparts at European Union level;
  • Raised reputation, research profile and attractiveness of the coordinating institution from the Widening country and the research profile of its staff;
  • Strengthened research management capacities and administrative skills of the staff working in institutions from the Widening country;
  • Improved creativity supported by development of new approaches in Research and Innovation collaboration, increased mobility (inwards and outwards) of qualified scientists.

Budget per project:   M€ 0.8 to 1.5

Expected no. of projects:   20

Specific attention should be paid to gender equality objectives, in line with the organisations’ commitments through their adopted gender equality plans, and in line with European Research Area (ERA) objectives, as far as appropriate.

Coordinator from Widening country

Gender equality plan (GEP) is an eligibility criterion

Financing model: Lump sum




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