National Information Centre for European Research


Digital Humanities Hackathon 2025

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14/05/2025 - 23/05/2025


Helsinki, Finland

Research infrastructures, CLARIN and DARIAH, organize summer school, Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2025. For researchers and students from computer science and data science, the hackathon gives the opportunity to test their abstract knowledge against complex real-life problems. For people from the humanities and social sciences, it shows what is possible to achieve with such collaboration.

This year, hackathon groups are organised around the following four themes:

  • Parliament and legislation
  • Holocaust oral history
  • Social Media
  • Early modern newspapers

More information at: DHH25


Forthcoming events

Overview of brokerage events for the 2025 calls


When: 06/03/2025 - 07/03/2025

Where: Düsseldorf (DE), Istanbul (TU), Brussels (BE), Paris (FR), online

European Infoday and Brokerage for Cluster 5

When: 06/05/2025 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Where: Brussels and online

Webinar - Making Training Materials Matter: introducing the FAIR-by-the-Design Methodology

When: 14/03/2025 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Where: Online

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