Welcome to the e-learning section!
Short videos on the basic aspects of Horizon Europe and its news
Below you will find videos from TC Prague, videos from the EU and other organisations or videos produced within other projects.
You can also register for free online courses in the NCP Academy. Although the courses are designed with the needs of the newly nominated NCPs in mind, they are also open to the general public and can serve as a useful resource for those interested in participating in HE projects.
Current NCP Academy course offerings:
EVROPEAN UNION: EU for beginners • Pathways and tools for better integration in EU R&I networks
HORIZON EUROPE PROGRAMME: HE - about the programme • HE Partnerships - navigating a unique collaborative research instrument
PILLAR 1: Introduction to "Excellence Science"
PILLAR 2: Supporting clients as an EU Mission NCP: basic knowledge
PILLAR 3: EIT crash course • EIC Accelerator basics • L&F elements of the EIC Accelerator
FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS: International cooperation in Horizon Europe - legal and financial • Participants in HE projects • Mastering budget preparation in HE projects
PROJECT PROPOSAL AND EVALUATION: Reading a thematic work programme and a call topic • From topic idea to proposal submission • Writing the impact section in HE proposals
ETICS, GENDER: Ethics in research and research integrity • Gender dimension in R&I for Horizon Europe NCPs
NCP SKILLS: Welcome in your new life as NCP • Welcome to your new role as Partner Country NCP • Quick course through the tools of the FT Portal