National Information Centre for European Research


Clean Clean Hydrogen call 2025




€ 184,5 M


Single stage

Opening date:


Closing date:

23/04/2025 5:00 PM

The European Partnership for Clean Hydrogen has published a 2025 call for proposals with a total budget of €184.5 million, which is divided among 6 priority areas as follows:

  • Renewable Hydrogen Production (40 M)
  • Hydrogen Storage and Distribution (16 M)
  • Transport applications (17 M)
  • Heat and Power (5 M)
  • Cross-cutting (6,5 M)
  • Hydrogen Valleys (80 M)

The call deadline is on April 23, 2025.

Potential applicants interested in more details can watch a recording of the information day that took place on January 22 in Brussels. Detailed call information including a link to the EU Funding & Tenders Portal is available here.


EIC Pathfinder Open

Type: Single stage

Opening date: 20/02/2025

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Type: Single stage

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Type: Two-stage

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Closing date: 10/04/2025

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