National Information Centre for European Research


Upcoming EIT HEI Initiative Call for Proposals 2024


The EIT Higher Education Institutions Initiative (EIT HEI) call for proposals 2024 will have a strong focus on enhancing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. It will improve research and technology transfer from higher education and support business creation through strengthening collaboration between HEIs and business partners across Europe. 

The selected projects of EIT HEI Initiative Call 2024 can expect to have a duration of 25 months, and an estimated total budget of EUR 1.34 million per project to implement their activities. The majority of the total project budget must be allocated to HEIs in the consortium that fit the following criteria:

  • they did not participate in an EIT HEI Initiative project from a previous cohort
  • they are not formally affiliated (i.e. member/partner) with any of the EIT KICs; please find an indicative partner list of reference here and do not forget to consult the final list of KIC partners to be published along the call text)

Applicants must choose one of the following strands

  • Strand A: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at HEIs
  • Strand B: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at HEIs for the enhancement of Deep Tech

Full details of the call for proposals, including the final budget and duration are subject to the final call text, will be published on the EIT HEI Initiative Call for Proposals 2024 page in the autumn of 2024.

Do you have any questions? Contact us today

Networking and matchmaking platform 

Similarly to previous years, we’ve launched a networking and matchmaking platform on Conversation Starter. This platform allows organisations to connect with potential partners for joint applications to the call for proposals. Create your profile now and let the matchmaking begin! 


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