ESFRI published Position Paper on Framework Programme 10
AgroServ, launched 3rd Transnational/Virtual Access Programme. This programme enables researchers from academia and industry and all practitioners who are interested in doing research in agroecology to access installations and services across Europe provided by eleven Research Infrastructures within the AgroServ consortium.
Call deadline: January 15th, 2025
More information at: AgroServ TNA
AgroServ, Integrated Services supporting a sustainable agroecological transition, is an interdisciplinary service provider that gathers recognised research infrastructures and a complementary offer od socio-economic services. Through AgroServ, users are offered complementary and customised research services related among others, to: antimicrobial resistance, emerging pest and diseases, soil health, climate change resilience, anima/human well-being, value chain, smart agriculture, smart innovation, rural communities.