National Information Centre for European Research


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Europe will have FP10, confirmed MEP Ehler at the Science|Business conference


At the annual Science|Business conference, a key announcement was made: the European Union will have a 10th Framework Programme (FP10). Christian Ehler, a prominent member of the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, confirmed that FP10 will...

A Czech candidate nominated for European Prize for Women Innovators


The co-founder of a Czech innovative start-up RoboTwin Megi Mejdrechová has been nominated for this year´s European Prize for Women Innovators. The prize is jointly awarded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the European...

We support Czech-British technological cooperation in the field of sustainable energy


Last week, a group of ten representatives of British companies from the fields of hydrogen, photovoltaics and energy storage visited Prague, accompanied by two employees of the UK Research and Innovation agency, with whom we have been preparing this event for several months....

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Project A to Z

Evaluation of Framework Programmes

Legal and Financial Aspects

Support to coordinators

Framework Programme 2028 - 2034