EIC Pathfinder Open call 2025
The European Commission published an expert report titled 'An European Framework for Science Diplomacy': Recommendations of the EU Science Diplomacy Working Groups'. The report reviews that state-of-the. rt of European science diplomacy and discusses its mission, objectives and values.
In reaction to the present geopolitical situation and strong competition for technological supremacy, the report advocates that a future European Framework for Science Diplomacy should contribute to: strenghtening Europe's competitive position as a global science and technology actor, maximising the deployment of European research and innovation potential for the pursuit of peace and multilateralism and reinforcing Europe's commitment to managing global public goods and commons sustainably and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. it states that the time has come to elevate science diplomacy to a distinct and visible part of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy as well as of European national science, technology and innovation policies.
The report includes a series of recommendations of how European leadership in science diplomacy can be achieved through strategic, operational and enabling instruments:
1. Set strategic priorities for European Science diplomacy
Relevant actions developed under the EU's research and innovation framework must consider the EU's foreign and security policy priorities and be flexible enough to react to geopolitical developments.
2. Identify the appropriate balance between opennes and restrictedness in international science cooperation
Where necessary, safeguards should be implemented that are effective and proportionate into science and technology related planning processes (e.g., towards the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme FP10).
3. Use science diplomacy to tackle global challenges and sustainably manage global goods and common, including with partners in the South
4. Establish the structures needed for EU leadership in science diplomacy
5. Foster science for policy and foresigh ecosystems for more effective and resilient foreign and security policies
6. Strengthen the role of science and technology in diplomatic representations
7. Create and connect science diplomacy communities in Europe and beyond
8. Train and empower Europe's current and future science diplomacy professionals
9. Advance the frontiers of science diplomacy thtough research and the development of innovative approaches