National Information Centre for European Research


OSCARS: 2nd Open Call to enhance Open Science


The OSCARS project launches the 2nd OSCARS Open Call to select third-parties for the development of new, innovative Open Science projects or services, that together will drive the uptake of FAIR-data-intensive research throughout the European Research Area. The aim of the call is to support the research communities to take up open science and foster the involvement of scientists in European Open Science Cloud.

Research Infrastructures, Universities, Institutes, SMEs and large companies, consortia as well as individual researchers are eligible. Proposals submitted to the OSCARS Open Call should explain the breakthrough character of the project as compared to the state of the art. They are expected to demonstrate how FAIR data practices are enhanced throughout and beyond implementation of the project, clearly identifying the digital resources required, and/or the envisaged conection to EOSC services. 

The call will open on 14 March 2025. Deadline for application is 14th May 2025. More information at: OSCARS2nd call

OSCARS bring together world-class European Research Infrastructures in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe.


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