Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Pathways to Synergies




20 mil. €



Datum otevření:


Datum uzavření:

28.09.2023 17:00


Provide support for setting up the interfaces between two different funding systems where major barriers still occur due to the mismatches of regional versus European approach, consortium vs single beneficiary funding and Horizon thematic priorities vs national/regional smart specialisation


  • improved and more systematic synergies between HORIZON & H2020 and ERDF, IPA, RRF and INTERREG through internationalisation, valorisation and technology uptake;
  • strengthened competiveness of R&I actors in Widening countries;
  • accelerated knowledge transfer and innovation cycle for beneficiaries from ERDF and HORIZON;
  • strengthened innovation capacity and competitiveness of less R&I performing regions.
Incentivise sequential synergies between HORIZON EUROPE and other EU funds notably ERDF in two optional pathways:

a) Upstream pathway

  • Focus on human resources development and internationalisation - move formerly single beneficiaries of regional funding programmes out of isolation via cross-border collaboration and to prepare them for successful participation in HORIZON calls
  • Consortium: a core group of at least 3 different public or private research entities from at least 2 different Widening countries that were beneficiaries from ERDF, RRF or similar investments for R&I including infrastructure in the current or previous programming period

b) Downstream pathway

  • Valorisation and upscaling of research results towards marketable solutions - identify at proposal stage up to three focus regions located in widening countries where the implementation of downstream synergies actually should take place
  • Consortia should be members of a consortium of 1 or 2 completed or ongoing RIA projects (in the same domain) funded under HE or H2020 that has already generated validated (e.g. evidenced by approved deliverables, final or periodic reports, peer reviewed publications) research results to be valorised by support from ERDF, IPA, RFF funds or EIC financial instruments
Budget per project:   M€ 0.50 to 1.2
Expected no. of projects:   20
Coordinator from Widening country



Pathways to Synergies 2023

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