National Information Centre for European Research


Module 6: On-line workshop on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 for applicants and their supervisors, 30-31/05/2022


Event of TC Prague


Workshop on MSCA PF 2022_Programme.pdf


MSCA PF workshop_HOMEWORK.pdf

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30/05/2022 9:00 AM - 31/05/2022 12:30 PM



Technology Centre CAS takes pleasure to invite you to the On-line workshop for applicants and their supervisors on How to write a competitive proposal for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 which will be held on 30-31 May 2022. It is part of our training modules „How to successfully participate in Horizon Europe“ (Module 6).

The on-line workshop will be focused on practical aspects of proposal writing. It is open to the researchers and their supervisors from any disciplines who are currently preparing an MSCA PF proposal for the 2022 Call (deadline on 14 September 2022).

You can register till 23 May 2022 (23:59)You are required to send your CV and abstract by the deadline to The materials will be used as a basis for feedback prepared by evaluators. The link will be sent only to the registered participants at the latest one day before the event. The workshop will be held in English. Attached, you will find the programme.

If you are a future MSCA supervisor and your colleague, future MSCA fellow, cannot participate, you can represent the project. In that case, please send us his/her CV and abstract of the project under preparation. If your colleague is going to attend the workshop, please only indicate your role in the registration form, you do not need to send us his/her materials twice but both of you can be present. 

The MSCA-2022-PF Call opening is on 12 May 2022, with the deadline of 14 September 2022.

Main changes in eligibility of MSCA PF applicants since the 2021 Call:

  • They have to be in possession of PhD at the call deadline (including successfully defended doctoral thesis).
  • They must have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, measured from the date of award of the doctoral degree. Years of experience outside research, career breaks (e.g. due to maternity/parental leave) and years of experience in research in third countries according to the terminology of HE will not count towards the amount of research experience.
  • No change in mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of their future host institution for more than 12 months in the 36 months before the call deadline.


1)      Please read carefully the “REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS” in the attachment and keep the deadline 23 May 2022 (23:59) for sending your CV and abstract.

2)      Please prepare your Gantt chart for the workshop. You do not need to send it to us in advance but get ready for 30 May. You will find some guidelines in the attached document “HOMEWORK”.

3)      Participation in the workshop presupposes knowledge of the call for Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022. The aim of the workshop is not to acquaint future applicants with the new rules of this grant scheme. For that purpose, Technology Centre is organising the On-line Information Day on MSCA PF on 26 April 2022. We therefore recommend that you register by 25 April (10:00) HERE. If you do not participate in the infoday for any reason, do not forget to go through the presentations to get familiar with the MSCA PF before the workshop. They will be at your disposal on the National Portal Horizon Europe.

Organizer: Zuzana Šimek (Čapková)

Organizer e-mail:

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