National Information Centre for European Research


Hybrid seminar on project writing to the TWINNING and Pathways to Synergies 2023 call


Event of TC Prague


2023-05-24 program-seminář k výzvě TWINNING a PtS 2023.pdf

2023-05-24 Prezentace ze semináře k výzvám TWINNING a Pathways to Synergies

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24/05/2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Technology Centre Prague and online

On Wednesday 24 May 2023 (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.), the Technology Centre Prague is organizing a seminar on project writing for the TWINNING and Pathways to Synergies 2023 call. After the general introduction with the outcomes of the TWINNING call 2021, the three successful Czech projects will be presented. Then the content of the 2023 call will be presented in more detail including the most frequent comments from evaluators and the final part will be devoted to the call of the new Widening instrument called Pathways to Synergies. The event is hybrid, so it is necessary to choose the form of participation (physically or online) when registering. The event agenda is attached.


  1. Obecný úvod a výstupy výzvy TWINNING 2021, Anna Vosečková, TC Praha
  2. Projekt BAANG z výzvy TWINNING 2021, Blanka Marušincová, VUT v Brně
  3. Projekt TwinVECTOR z výzvy TWINNING 2021, Viera Pechancová, UTB ve Zlíně
  4. Projekt SURRI z výzvy TWINNING 2021, Miroslav Černík, CXI, TU v Liberci
  5. Výzva TWINNING 2023 a nejčastější komentáře hodnotitelů, Anna Vosečková, TC Praha
  6. Výzva Pathways to Synergies 2023, Anna Vosečková, TC Praha



Organizer: Technologické centrum Praha

Organizer e-mail:

Organizer phone: +420 606 062 739

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