National Information Centre for European Research


On-line Information Day on MSCA Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe, 02/06/2021


Event of TC Prague

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02/06/2021 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM



The Technology Centre CAS is organizing on 2 June 2021 the On-line Information Day on Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Doctoral Networks (MSCA DN) under Horizon Europe, known as Innovative Training Networks (MSCA ITN) under the previous Framework Programme Horizon 2020.

The information day is open to everyone who wants to learn more about this Action. However, it is primarily designed for future applicants. Invited speakers will share their experience with coordination of a European Training Network project as well as with their involvement in another project as participating institution.

 You can register till 31 May 2021 (23:59). The link will be sent to the registered participants at the latest one day before the event. The information day will be held in English.

Important: the infoday was originally planned for 27 May 2021. It has been postponed due to delay in call opening.

The expected MSCA-DN-2021 Call opening is on 27 May 2021, with the deadline of 16 November 2021.

Organizer: Zuzana Čapková

Organizer e-mail:

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