National Information Centre for European Research


New call in the mission Cities: Changing urban spaces and mindsets to accelerate the transition to climate neutrality




98 mil. Eur


Single stage

Opening date:


Closing date:

11/02/2025 5:00 PM

On 17 September 2024 new call in the Mission 100 climate-neutral and smart cities was announced. It addresses the following topics:

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-01 Rethinking urban spaces towards climate neutrality (IA)

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-02 Zero-pollution cities (RIA)

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-03 Mobility Management Plans and Behavioural Change (CSA) 

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-04 Integrated peri-urban areas in the transition towards climate neutrality (IA) 
The deadline for the proposal submission is on 11 February, 5 p.m. CET.


Clean Clean Hydrogen call 2025

Type: Single stage

Opening date: 30/01/2025

Closing date: 23/04/2025

Identifier: HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025

The European Partnership for Clean Hydrogen has published a 2025 call for proposals with a total budget of €184.5 million, which is divided among 6 priority areas as follows: Renewable Hydrogen Production (40 M) Hydrogen Storage and Distribution (16...


Type: Two-stage

Opening date: 03/12/2024

Closing date: 10/04/2025

Identifier: HORIZON-WIDERA-2025-ACCESS-01

The main aim of this Widening instrument is institution building: create new centres of excellence or substantially upgrade existing ones. Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Increased scientific capabilities...

EIT HEI Inittiative call 2024

Type: Single stage

Closing date: 12/12/2024

The call aims to fund up to 42 projects, with a duration of 25 months and an overall budget of EUR 1.34 million per project. The applicants will need to select one of the following strands to apply to:  Strand A: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at...

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