National Information Centre for European Research


Overview of Commission's support to Ukraine and steps against Russia within R&I


Supporting Ukraine

A new platform aiming to help scientists and researchers in Ukraine after fleeing Ukraine is available. The ERA4Ukraine  is a one stop shop for all relevant information and services including sections for 42 individual states and many initiatives by EU, member states and NGOs. The platform includes job offers, housing, information on education recognition, psychological help and much more.  All of it also available in Ukrainian.

Horizon4ukraine initiative enables Ukrainian researchers to join running Hoziron 2020 and Horizon Europe projects. We have published more information on Horizon4ukraine here.

Steps against Russia

Commision stopped all financing towards russian public entities and s terminating all grant agreements with them. You can find more information in the article here

Relevant Commission Guidelines

We also recommend the following guidelines to your attention. Althougt published before the February Russian invasion, these are all the more relevant now.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Guidelines for inclusion of researchers at risk
Tackling R&I Foreign Interference


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