National Information Centre for European Research


National Engagement Event on the EU Soil Mission - Czech Republic


The Technology Centre Pragiue organized, in cooperation with the NATI00NS project, on 9.5. 2023 workshop to raise awareness of the European mission "Soil deal for Europe".

The goal of the mission is to contribute to the recovery of soil in Europe so that by 2030, 75% of soils are in a good state of health, or significant progress has been made towards healthier soil.

To support the achievement of this goal, the Horizon Europe program announces specific calls for the submission of projects in which a wide range of interested stakeholders can participate. Mission objectives and currently open calls were introduced at the beginning of the workshop.

Among other things, the calls will support the establishment of so-called living laboratories (Living Labs), which represent networks of places for experimentation in a real environment, designed for the co-creation of knowledge and innovation based on the cooperation of scientists and local actors and land users who have knowledge of local conditions. The call also envisages the support of places designated for demonstrations of innovative solutions and research results that contribute to soil health. Such a demonstration site, the so-called lighthouse, can represent, for example, a farm, an urban green area, a forest plot or even an industrial plot.

The concept of living laboratories and lighthouses was presented by Professor Rafal Wawer from the Institute for Soil Science and Plant Cultivation in Pulawy, Poland, partner in the NATI00NS project (financed by the Horizon Europe program). Dr. Karel Klem from Czechglobe devoted himself to national initiatives dealing with soil and its health.

Dr. Martin Mistr from the Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation then focused on the main challenges that need to be addressed in this direction in the Czech Republic.


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