EIT Innovation Hubs operate already in 16 countries
A total of 48 consortia representing over 510 organisations from across Europe applied for this year’s call, which closed in February 2023. As a result, 16 projects, involving 100 HEIs and 79 non-academic organisations (companies, research centres, public authorities and associations), will benefit from maximum funding of EUR 750 000 each. With an even distribution of academic and non-academic organisations, the EIT HEI Initiative is determined to achieve its goal of creating synergies between industry and higher education institutions to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. Nearly 180 organisations from higher education institutions (HEI), business and civil society from 38 countries will benefit from up to EUR 12 million of funding to support their innovation capacity, with a particular focus on deep tech. Czechia (UCT Prague) coordinates project DETECT! and there are three other Czech partners in three other successful projects.
EIT press release is here and more information on projects funded from 2022 call is available here.