National Information Centre for European Research


Horizon Europe Atlas: Regions' participation in the Framework Programme




Until now, we have assessed participation in Horizon Europe on a country-by-country basis. So let us take a deeper look at the participation of individual regions of the EU Member States. We have prepared 7 maps – the first one for the whole Horizon Europe programme, the other 6 for the individual clusters of HE’s Pillar II. For example, you will see that the highest EU contribution (as of 23 August 2024) is claimed by participants from the largest cities as natural centres of research, development, innovation, entrepreneurship and cultural life. Among the EU regions, Paris ranked first (3.6 thousand funded participations with a net EU contribution of €2.3 billion claimed), followed by the regions of Munich (Upper Bavaria - 2.3 thousand funded participations and €1.8 billion) and Barcelona (2.9 thousand funded participations and €1.4 billion). In fourth place was the Brussels hinterland province of Flemish Brabant (1,000 funded participations and €1.3 billion). More than €1 billion of the net EU contribution was also claimed by participants directly from Brussels, the Madrid region and South Holland (Rotterdam and The Hague region). Participants from these 7 regions claimed almost a quarter of the total net EU contribution.

Warsaw stands out from the Central Eastern Europe region, with 669 funded participations and claims of €320 million net EU contribution. This is the 28th highest value among the 645 EU Member States regions surveyed. Behind Warsaw was the Ljubljana region (Central Slovenia – 796 funded participations and €260 million in net funding, 36th among the regions), followed immediately by Prague (699 funded participations, €249 million, 38th place).

















Prepared by: Vladimír Vojtěch, TC Prague,, 15.11.2024


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