National Information Centre for European Research


New RIMA report: the Czech Republic contributed to the analysis of synergies and recommendations for the future


The European Commission has published the RIMA report, in which the Czech Republic participated significantly. In it you can read good practices of the Member States in the field of synergies between the Framework Programme and national/regional/cohesion funds, but also the problem in the implementation of synergies. The group, in cooperation with the EC, also came to recommendations in the short and long term. These concern not only cooperation with the EC but also coordination within Member States and with various stakeholders. The report shows that although progress has been made in implementing synergies, there are still many obstacles to be addressed.

The RIMA group is composed of representatives of the EC and representatives of national R&D&I funders and Cohesion Policy funds.


RESILIENCE: Transnational Access Fellowships Call (TNA)


Research Infrastructure RESILIENCE, Religious Studies Infrastructure: tooLs, Innovation, Experts, conNections and Centres in Europe, has launched its fifth call for applications for Transnational Access Fellowships (TNA). Users of the TNA fellowships will gain direct and...

ELI ERIC: 6th User Call Open


The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) has launched the 6th ELI User Call, with submissions open until 25th April. Researchers from around the world are encouraged to submit proposals, which will be evaluated by an international peer-review panel based on scientific excellence....

New Publication by TC Prague: ERC Budget Example


The Technology Centre Prague presents a new brochure from the Vademecum series, titled ERC Budget Example.  This brochure is intended for applicants submitting project proposals for ERC grants. In addition to a fictitious budget example, it offers a wide range of...

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Framework Programme 2028 - 2034