National Information Centre for European Research


ELI ERIC: 6th User Call Open


The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) has launched the 6th ELI User Call, with submissions open until 25th April. Researchers from around the world are encouraged to submit proposals, which will be evaluated by an international peer-review panel based on scientific excellence.

The Call supports a broad spectrum of experiments, utilising th advanced facilities at: 

  • ELI ALPS in Szeged, Maďarsko
  • ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany, Czechia

The complete scientific offer is available on the ELI User Portal. Interested researchers are recommended to connect and consult with beamline scientists to ensure that the proposed experiments are feasible and impactful.



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RESILIENCE: Transnational Access Fellowships Call (TNA)


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