National Information Centre for European Research


Synergies: Czech Republic at the forefront of the new RIMA network and first experience with transfer


Last week the Commission, together with Member States Authorities responsible for R&I and cohesion policy programmes launched a new network on synergies under the ERA Forum. This group should become an irresistible place for exchange about how to combine in a more powerful way than until now the two main funding sources at European level for R&I. The group is jointly chaired by DG RTD, DG REGIO and a Member State (Czech Republic). More information here.

Lithuania is the first country to transfer money from its allocation under the EU regional development fund to Horizon Europe. The government is transferring €18.5 million to the direct management of the European Commission to increase the participation of Lithuanian scientists and businesses in international research and innovation projects under Horizon Europe. More information here.


Horizon Europe Programme in a World and European Context II.


Based on the 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, a June 26, 2023 post reported, that for Europe's largest corporations, contributions from the EU's research and innovation Framework Programmes represent only a fraction of their R&D budgets, and presented...

New Dashboard Simplifies Evaluation of Lump Sum Proposals in Horizon Europe Grants


A new dashboard has been launched last week to assist experts in evaluating lump sum proposals for Horizon Europe grants. Focusing on personnel costs, the dashboard provides objective benchmarks for assessing the reasonability of budgets. By comparing proposed costs with...

How to write an anonymous project proposal for "blind evaluation"?


With the Horizon Europe work programme 2023/24, the European Commission has launched the pilot for blind evaluations, based on the provisions of the Horizon Europe Regulation.In all two-stage application procedures in 2023/24 calls for proposals in Clusters 1, 4 and 6,...

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Framework Programme 2028 - 2034