National Information Centre for European Research


Participation of other Central European organizations in the Horizon Europe research consortia



Zapojení dalších středoevropských účastníků programu Horizont Evropa do výzkumných konsorcií_EN.jpg

The previous post of 27 June 2024 dealt with the involvement of Czech higher education institutions, research institutions and private for-profit companies as participants in research consortia in Pillar II of the Horizon Europe programme (hereinafter "HE"). In doing so, it sought to identify,

  • in which coordinated consortia Czech organizations are participating,
  • identify a certain repetitiveness of the occurrence of Czech organizations,
  • whether Czech organizations participate in consortia led by leading European research organizations.

The contribution in Pillar II of the HE programme identified 186 research consortia with Czech higher education institutions as participants as of 23 April 2024. Czech research institutions were involved as participants in 90 research consortia and Czech private for-profit companies in 157.

The aim of this paper is to determine whether other organizations from Central Eastern European countries are represented in these consortia, i.e. in addition to Czech participants identify the scope of participation of organizations from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia (see table below).


Zapojení dalších středoevropských účastníků programu Horizont Evropa do výzkumných konsorcií_EN.jpg


In the 186 research consortia of Pillar II of the HE programme, in which Czech higher education institutions are represented as participants, we can identify 60 consortia (or one third) in which there is another Czech participant other than a higher education institution (i.e. a Czech research institution, enterprise, public administration body or other organization). In addition, we can find 91 consortia (i.e. one half) in which Polish, Slovak, Hungarian and Slovenian entities are represented as participants. Polish entities are represented in 52 consortia (i.e. a quarter) and Slovenian entities in 36 (i.e. a sixth).

Czech research institutions are represented as participants in the 90 Pillar II research consortia of the HE programme. Within these 90 consortia, there are 23 (or a quarter) where there is another Czech participant other than a research institution (i.e. a higher education institution, company, public administration body or other organization). We can also identify 60 consortia (or two thirds) in which, in addition to Czech research institutions, entities from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia participate, with a strong predominance of Polish entities (in 39 consortia).

In the 157 research consortia of Pillar II of the HE programme, in which Czech private for-profit companies are represented as participants, we find 48 consortia (or one third) in which other Czech non-business institutions participate. Furthermore, we find 61 consortia (i.e. two fifths) in which, in addition to Czech enterprises, there are other participants from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. Once again, Polish entities are significantly predominant, with 34 consortia participating.




In research consortia in which Czech higher education institutions, research institutions and private for-profit companies participate, in a quarter to a third of cases, other Czech entities are represented. Subjects from other CEE countries tend to be represented in 40-65% of such research consortia, with a strong predominance of subjects from Poland.



Prepared by: Vladimír Vojtěch, TC Prague,, 09.07.2024


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