National Information Centre for European Research


MSCA4Ukraine information session

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06/10/2022 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM


online (ZOOM)

On Thursday 6 October 2022, an information session on the MSCA4Ukraine programme will take place. The extraordinary scheme will be officially launched by Viviane Hoffmann, Deputy Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission.

The new MSCA4Ukraine scheme offers dedicated fellowships to support researchers from Ukraine, enabling them to continue their work at academic and non-academic organisations in EU member states and Horizon Europe associated countries, while maintaining their connections to research and innovation communities in Ukraine.

The webinar will provide practical information both for Ukrainian researchers as well potential host institutions concerning matchmaking, eligibility criteria as well as preparation of an application.

Call documents will be published on 28 September 2022. The call will be open for submissions from 24 October 2022. It will be possible to submit proposals until all available funds are committed.

Preliminary information for applicants can already be found on the MSCA4Ukraine website.

Organizer: MSCA4Ukraine

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