National Information Centre for European Research


Preparing the Danube Lighthouse

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The international conference organised under the  auspices of  the Czech Minister of  Agriculture Zdeněk Nekula during the Czech EU Presidency by the BIOEAST Initiative in cooperation with Technology Centre of the CAS.

For more information look at the website here.



Forthcoming events

Overview of brokerage events for the 2025 calls

When: 18/03/2025 - 19/03/2025

Where: Istanbul (TU), Brussels (BE), Paris (FR), Warsaw (PL), online

Research Data Day & EOSC National Tripartite Event

When: 21/05/2025 - 22/05/2025

Where: Brno, Czech Republic


Webinar: How to write a proposal to EIC Pathfinder Open

When: 10/04/2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Where: Online

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