Recording and presentation from the COST Info Day 2025
On 27 January 2022, a Hop On Facility call 2022 has been opened. This facility integrates one additional participant from a Widening country (Czechia included) to an ongoing project under Pillar 2 or the EIC pathfinder scheme while topping up a relevant task or work package and the cost incurred by the additional participant. This will happen on a voluntary basis without affecting the freedom of choice for the consortium and the principle of excellence. The Hop On Facility is open to all topics under Pillar 2 and the EIC pathfinder. The action will be part of an existing project with a valid Grant Agreement. Applications must demonstrate the R&I added value of the new partner and present a visible and distinct work package for the acceding partner. Proposal should include a detailed description of the profile of the new partner and its role in the existing project. The additional partner and task should be presented in a distinct font or colour in a document based on the Description of the Action (DOA) of the ongoing action. Selected consortia will be invited to submit an amendment request for accession of a new partner, modification of the description of the action and upgrade of the budget.
The budget increase must be exclusively account at the benefit of the new partner with the exception of a coordination fee of up to 10% of the increased budget to be allocated to the coordinator of the consortium. Around 80 projects will be supported in 2022.
The EC has already published the list of eligible projects on the call page that will be updated regularly – the direct link is here. The projects can be contacted by clicking on the icon on the right.