OSCARS: 2nd Open Call to enhance Open Science
The European Commission asks beneficiaries in ongoing grants in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe to identify opportunities for displaced researchers from Ukraine to get involved in ongoing projects. All concerned beneficiaries received a respective letter from the European Commission's Director-General for Research & Innovation.
Coordinator Contacts or Participant Contacts should follow these steps:
1) Go to the Funding & Tenders Portal , log in (top right) with your EULogin account as Participant Contact or Coordinator Contact
2) Click on ‘My Projects’ (in the left hand menu bar)
3) For the concerned project, click on ‘Actions’, then ‘Notify UA opportunity’
4) A web form opens. Complete and submit it. You can also save the form and get back to it later for finalisation and submission (in this case follow the same steps as under 1)-3)).
5) Immediately after submission, the description of the opportunity will be published here . Persons interested in the opportunity can contact you via the ‘Contact’ button. Your identity and personal data will not be disclosed.
More detailed technical guidance is available here .