National Information Centre for European Research


Jak vypadá finanční podpora z programu Horizont Evropa v jednotlivých typech institucí z ČR v období 2021–2023? Ukazuje se, že koordinace projektů je pro ČR klíčová.



Participation of other Central European organizations in the Horizon Europe research consortia


The previous post of 27 June 2024 dealt with the involvement of Czech higher education institutions, research institutions and private for-profit companies as participants in research consortia in Pillar II of the Horizon Europe programme (hereinafter "HE"). In doing so,...

Participation of Czech organizations in the Horizon Europe research consortia


Collaboration of research teams from different organizations in different countries is one of the major benefits of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The Framework Programme makes a significant contribution to international scientific research cooperation...

ERC - the activity and success rate of the Czech Republic is insufficient in the long term. However, the situation is slowly improving, mainly thanks to younger researchers


In the context of the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes (FPs), there is perhaps nothing more closely followed than the European Research Council (ERC) grants. Since 2007, the ERC has funded frontier projects (grants), mainly in basic research, in a wide range...

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Framework Programme 2028 - 2034