National Information Centre for European Research


Life Science RIs launch FP10 Position paper


The European Life Sciences Research Infrastructures (LS-RIs) have launched a joint position paper titled Driving Innovation and Collaboration: A Strategic Vision for European Life Science Research Infrastructures in Framework Programme 10, outlining key messages for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This paper presents a collective position by the European LS-RIs, with the following recommendations for the upcoming FP10:

1. Strengthening established European Research Infrastructures as strategic assets

a) Securing adequate funding

b) Fostering use and visibility of RIs

c) Providing cluster funding

d) Allocating resources for impact assessment

2. Leveraging the emergent synergies of INFRA-SERV projects and continue TNA budget.

The paper can be found here: LF RI FP10

The LS-RIs are pan-European organisations, with multiple institutes located in different European countries (i.e. distributed RIs). 


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