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New Dashboard Simplifies Evaluation of Lump Sum Proposals in Horizon Europe Grants


A new dashboard has been launched last week to assist experts in evaluating lump sum proposals for Horizon Europe grants. Focusing on personnel costs, the dashboard provides objective benchmarks for assessing the reasonability of budgets. By comparing proposed costs with signed grants, experts can ensure budgets are fair. The dashboard offers insights into personnel costs by country and organization type, highlighting regional and sectoral variations. Evaluators can use this information to determine if costs are reasonable. While higher costs above the 80th percentile are not uncommon, they should be justified in the proposal. The dashboard enhances transparency and efficiency in evaluating personnel costs for Horizon Europe grants.

The most important change is that older data have been excluded (dashboard now contains data from the actual cost grants under Horizon Europe (2021 – today) and Horizon 2020 (2018 – 2020)) and the source of data are grant agreements, which include budget estimates for the years after signature. The revised dashboard shows how many person months were funded at a given cost, not anymore the number of organisations and their average personnel costs. This means that the different weights of organisations with low and high levels of participation are accounted for. The instructions for experts and background information on the landing page of the dashboard were updated accordingly.


New Dashboard on personnel costs in ERC AdG


This week, the ERC Dashboard was launched to assist experts in evaluating ERC Advanced Grant proposals in the Horizon Europe program and applicants in budget preparation. These projects are now funded as lump sums. The Dashboard focuses on personnel costs and provides a...

NEW Horizon Academy courses launched


As part of the NCP project Horizon Academy-NCP4HE, which involves over 30 organizations bringing together national contact points of the Horizon Europe program (including TC Prague), three new e-learning courses have been launched: Mastering Budget Preparation in...

The European Commission published an updated Model Grant Agreement for Horizon Europe.


The European Commission has published a new version (version 1.2) of the General Model Grant Agreement for Horizon Europe. The new version is available on the Funding & Tenders Portal here. The update reflects a new option for beneficiaries in Horizon Europe and Euratom...

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