National Information Centre for European Research


Underrepresentation of women founders in deep-tech start-ups


The study of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) on “Women Founders in European Deep Tech Start-ups” was presented on 18 November 2024 at the EIT INNOVEIT Conference in Helsinki. It was carried out among 7,165 start-ups across 37 countries. The study finds that the percentage of women founders in deep tech has doubled since 2010, however, women remain underrepresented in the field at 17.4% (average for 2010-2022) of all deep tech start-ups. It also reveals that women founders in the field receive less total funding compared with men founders. According to the study, women are underrepresented in deep tech start-ups, with less than one quarter (24%) of deep tech start-ups created in 2022 having at least one woman in the founding team.

Amongst others, the study also finds that women face significant funding challenges compared with their male counterparts. At the seed stage, women-led startups secure only 15% of funding, while men-led startups take the remaining 85%. For early and late-stage venture capital, women-founded startups receive just 11% of the total investment, with 89% going to men-led companies. Women also face barriers to entering deep tech compared with other fields.

More information:

EIT - news

EIT study: Women Founders in European Deep Tech Startups: Main Findings Report


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