National Information Centre for European Research


ERA or European Research Area.

This initiative of the European Commission seeks to create

  • a common and single area for research and innovation
  • a borderless market for research,
  • technology and innovation across the European Union,
  • synergies between the EU and the Member States to jointly improve research system settings and policies,
  • free movement of researchers,
  • sharing of knowledge and innovation.

The ERA concept was officially launched with a Communication from the European Commission in January 2000 entitled: Towards a European Research Area. In 2018, a process of revitalisation took place and in September 2020 the European Commission issued a Communication entitled A New European Research Area.

The new ERA supports

  • investment and reform in research and innovation
  • market growth
  • enhancing the mobility of researchers and the free exchange of knowledge and technology
  • improving access to excellence 
  • Information on the ERA can be found in English on the European Commission's website here. 




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