- Excellent Science
Global Challenges and Competitiveness
- Cluster 1 - Health
- Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society
- Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space
- Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- Non - nuclear direct actions of the Joint Research Centre
- Innovative Europe
- Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA
- Euratom
- Missions
European Partnerships
- Health
Digital, Industry and Space
- High Performance Computing
- Key Digital Technologies (KDT)
- Smart Networks and Services
- Artifical Intelligence, Data and Robotics
- Photonics
- Clean Steel - Low Carbon Steelmaking
- European Metrology
- Made in Europe
- Processes4Planet – Transforming the European Process Industry for a sustainable society
- Globally competitive Space Systems
- Geological Service for Europe
- Innovative Materials for EU - NEW 2025-27
- Textiles for the Future - NEW 2025-27
- Virtual Worlds - NEW 2025-27
- Raw Materials for the Green and Digital Transition - NEW 2025-27
Climate, Energy and Transport
- Transforming Europe's rail system
- Integrated Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Clean Aviation
- Clean Hydrogen
- People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)
- Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO)
- Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
- Zero-emission waterborne transport
- Industrial Battery Value Chain
- Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
- Clean Energy Transition
Food, Bioeconomics, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- Accelerating farming systems transition: agro-ecology living labs and research infrastructures
- Animal health (PAH)
- Agriculture of data
- Rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth
- A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy
- Safe and Sustainable Food Systems
- Circular bio-based Europe
- Water security for the planet (Water4All)
- Cross - cutting partnerships
- ERA, EU programmes, funds and initiatives
- Excellent Science
Global Challenges and Competitiveness
- Cluster 1 - Health
- Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society
- Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space
- Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- Non - nuclear direct actions of the Joint Research Centre
- Innovative Europe
- Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA
- Euratom
- Missions
European Partnerships
- Health
Digital, Industry and Space
- High Performance Computing
- Key Digital Technologies (KDT)
- Smart Networks and Services
- Artifical Intelligence, Data and Robotics
- Photonics
- Clean Steel - Low Carbon Steelmaking
- European Metrology
- Made in Europe
- Processes4Planet – Transforming the European Process Industry for a sustainable society
- Globally competitive Space Systems
- Geological Service for Europe
- Innovative Materials for EU - NEW 2025-27
- Textiles for the Future - NEW 2025-27
- Virtual Worlds - NEW 2025-27
- Raw Materials for the Green and Digital Transition - NEW 2025-27
Climate, Energy and Transport
- Transforming Europe's rail system
- Integrated Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Clean Aviation
- Clean Hydrogen
- People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)
- Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO)
- Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
- Zero-emission waterborne transport
- Industrial Battery Value Chain
- Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
- Clean Energy Transition
Food, Bioeconomics, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- Accelerating farming systems transition: agro-ecology living labs and research infrastructures
- Animal health (PAH)
- Agriculture of data
- Rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth
- A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy
- Safe and Sustainable Food Systems
- Circular bio-based Europe
- Water security for the planet (Water4All)
- Cross - cutting partnerships
- ERA, EU programmes, funds and initiatives
The Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme (OP JAK) is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST) in the programming period 2021-2027.
The main objective of the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) for the programming period 2021-2027 is to support the development of an open and educated society based on knowledge and skills, equal opportunities and developing the potential of each individual.
The OP JAK is financed by the Structural Funds of the European Union.
The priorities are: 1 ) Research and Development (A smarter Europe by supporting innovative and intelligent economic transformation); 2) Education (A more social Europe by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights); 3) Technical Assistance.
The official website of the OP JAK programme can be found here.
Contact: OP JAK Managing Authority, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitská 529/5, 118 12 Prague 1
Contact address: OP JAK Managing Authority, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Harfa Office Park, Českomoravská 242/15, 190 00 Prague 9