CESAER Association releases new report on research careers
On 7 March 2023, National Information Day on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions organised by TC Prague took place. The aim of this traditional annual event is to present MSCA schemes and opportunities they offer to the Czech research community. The information day, this year organised in an online form, attracted over 100 participants.
A comprehensive overview of the specificities of each MSCA action was provided by Manuel Gomez Herrero from the European Commission. Petr Roubal from the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences explained what aspects are assessed as part of the evaluation process and what the possible pitfalls are. Possibilities of alternative funding of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships and MSCA COFUND projects through the OP JAK programme were presented by Filip Týc from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Zuzana Maršálková from the Czech branch of Euraxess spoke about assistance available to scientists arriving in the Czech Republic from abroad.
The last block of presentations was devoted to sharing experiences that current grant holders have had with MSCA projects. In this session, the impressions gained so far were shared by Tereza Brumovská from Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (MSCA IF), Jean-Francois Auger from the Environment Centre of Charles University (MSCA RISE) as well as Zuzana Kapounová from TTS-CO (MSCA ITN). In conclusion, Julie Kovářová, Chair of the Czech Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) summarized what activities MSCA fellows can get involved in in the Czech Republic as well as globally.
Presentations from the event are now available.