National Information Centre for European Research

Cluster 5 - climate, energy and mobility

The main objectives of this cluster are to fight climate change, improve the competitiveness of the energy and transport industry as well as the quality of the services that these sectors bring to society. This requires to better understand climate change's causes, evolution, risks, impacts and opportunities, and to make the energy and mobility systems climate- and environment-friendly, smarter, safer, more resilient, inclusive, competitive and efficient (minimising possible rebound effects). The overarching drivers are the need to decarbonise the energy and transport sector by 2050, while, at the same time, boosting their competitiveness – taking into account that both sectors represent an important share of GDP and jobs in Europe, that the transformation of these sectors offers tremendous business opportunities on a global scale, and that the services of both sectors represent major cost factors for businesses and households alike and are indispensable for the well-being and quality of life of citizens and the competitiveness of the European economy as a whole. 

Work programme for 2021-2022 was published on the 15th June 2021.


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