National Information Centre for European Research


Annual Science|Business conference 2025 on the next Framework Programme

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06/02/2025 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM


Brussels and online

The annual Science|Business conference entitled „New mandate, new agenda: Will the EU live up to its promises on R&I?“ will take place on 6 February 2025 in Brussels and online. The main topic of the event is the preparation of the next R&I Framework Programme (2028–2034) and the discussions will focus in particular on the issue of the willingness of Member States to increase the overall budget, the establishment of a Competitiveness Fund and its impacts on the financing and management of research and innovation, the support for breakthrough innovations, the influence of geopolitics on future models of international cooperation and the balance between research security, integrity and openness, and last but not least the Widening agenda or industry-led partnerships.

Among the speakers are e.g. Marc Lemaître, Director-General, DG RTD, European Commission, Marek Ženíšek Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, Government of Czech Republic, Victor Negrescu, Vice President, European Parliament, Martina Brockmeier, President, Leibniz Association, Salvatore Grimaldi, President, COST Association, Ladislav Krištoufek, Vice Rector for Research, Charles University.


Organizer: Science|Business

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