National Information Centre for European Research


National Information Day on the ERC grants, 8 September 2021


Event of TC Prague


Programme_ERC National Infoday_DRAFT.pdf

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08/09/2021 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM



Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences together with Charles University and the Expert Group for supporting ERC applicants take pleasure inviting you to the ON-LINE National Information Day about the European Research Council (ERC) grants, which will take place on 8 September 2021 from 9:30 am to 4 pm (zoom will be launched at 9 am).

The Information Day on the ERC grants will highlight philosophy of the European Research Council (ERC) as well as rules for participation, proposal structure and evaluation process of the ERC grants within the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe (2021-2027). It is intended for potential ERC applicants, and, even more importantly, for leading representatives and project managers of universities and research institutions.

The infoday will be held in English, no translation will be provided.

Registration is open till 6 September (23:59) or till the capacity is full (first come, first served). The registered participants will receive the link to the event at the latest a day before the event.

The event will be focused on the ERC calls in the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe.

Organizer: Zuzana Čapková

Organizer e-mail:

Forthcoming events

ERC Info Session for Widening countries - Part 2

When: 12/03/2025 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Where: online

ERC Info Session for Widening countries - Part 1

When: 06/03/2025 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Where: online

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