National Information Centre for European Research


ESFRI published Position Paper on Framework Programme 10


The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has published its position paper on the upcoming Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10). In the paper ESFRI emphasizes the critical role of Research Infrastructures as strategic assets to bolster European Union competitiveness and underlines the necessity of integrative approach to research infrastructures in FP10.

Key messages of the paper:

Research infrastructures as a capacity building layer pervading FP10

A cross-cutting strategy for research and technology infrastructures in FP10 is well justified and shall be devised as a horizontal capacity building activity bridging the entire architecture of the upcoming FP10.

Holistic view of the infrastructure ecosystem

The continuous ecosystem of infrastructures needs to be supported by a continuous funding ecosystem. The future FP10 should be strengthened and complemented with additional funding streams beyond traditional research funding.

Research infrastructures as a policy tool for European integration and international cooperation

The role of research infrastructures in fostering European integration and supporting international cooperation should be further promoted.

Future sustainability of the Research Infrastructure Ecosystem

The FP10 should continue to foster the development, enhancement and consolidation of the outstanding pan-European infrastructure landscape, while also supporting its expansion where necessary.  FP10 should extend the use of co-funding instruments to increase the overall funding of research infrastructures and contribute to financial sustainability of research infrastructures.

More information and the document: ESFRI FP0 Paper


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